Erik’s Correspondence Corner: Investing in Infrastructure and Cybersecurity
In this week’s correspondence corner, Adam in Plymouth writes in to Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) with a question about investing in transportation and infrastructure. Paulsen also responds to a call from Lynn in Deephaven who wants to know what Congress is doing to improve our nation’s cybersecurity.
Nolan Urges Immediate Action to Save Highway Trust Fund Before July 31st Expiration
“Our infrastructure is facing a crisis of epic proportion. It is imperative for the security of our nation, the safety of our people and the health of our job-creating economy that Congress move ahead with a long-term bipartisan funding plan for the Highway Trust Fund without further delay,” Nolan told the House Ways & Means Committee.
Rep. Ellison Statement on Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive...
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) released the following statement today after the Supreme Court affirmed the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, ruling that courts can continue to recognize the disparate impact theory of liability in Fair Housing Act cases.
Ashford Hospitality Trust, Inc. (NYSE: AHT) (“Ashford Trust” or the “Company”) announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire two Minneapolis hotels, the 229-room W Minneapolis Hotel - The Foshay, and the 60-room Le Meridien Chambers Minneapolis hotel, for total consideration of $101 million in cash ($349,000 per key). As part of the transaction, the Company will assume approximately $56.0 million of mortgage debt on the W Minneapolis Hotel. The assumed debt matures in May 2023 and carries a fixed rate of 5.46%. Post-closing, both properties will continue to be managed by Starwood Hotels.
Drinking and boating don’t mix: Operation Dry Water in effect June 26-28
In an effort to curb alcohol-related boating accidents and deaths, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and other public safety agencies around the state will ramp up patrols for intoxicated boaters June 26-28.
City sets recycling goals
The City Council approved goals calling for Minneapolis to recycle and compost 50 percent of its citywide waste by 2020, and 80 percent by 2030. The adopted resolution will help the City meet new recycling goals set by the State and Hennepin County in 2014
Annual list of potential timber harvest sites available for review
The annual list of potential timber harvest sites on state-administered forest land is now available for public review, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Comments will be accepted until July 17.
DNR seeks comment on lock and dam erosion repair project
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting public comment during a public review period, June 22 to July 22, on an environmental assessment worksheet (EAW) for a scour repair project on Lock and Dam 1, located on the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and St. Paul.
At Key Hearing, Sen. Franken Pushes to Complete Lewis and Clark Water Project
U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) again pressed the Obama Administration to invest in rural water projects like the Lewis and Clark Regional Water System in southwest Minnesota. He said that states and local communities have put in their fair share of funds to complete the project and it's time for the federal government to step up to its commitments
City partners with Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods
This integration with Nextdoor will enable the City of Minneapolis, including the Minneapolis Police Department, the Minneapolis Fire Department, and other City departments to use Nextdoor to build stronger, safer communities with the help of Minneapolis residents. Specifically, the Minneapolis Police Department and Nextdoor neighborhoods will be able to work together to increase safety and strengthen virtual neighborhood watch
SolarCity To Seed Solar ‘Gardens’ To Target Renters
SolarCity aims to tap a potentially big new market: renters. The No. 1 U.S. residential solar installer announced that it will develop a series of community solar installations — that it refers to as "solar gardens" — to enable apartment dwellers, schools and others with shaded roofs in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area to purchase renewable energy without installing solar panels on their properties.
Rep. Ellison Statement on Housing and Transportation Appropriations
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) relaesed the following statement today after voting against the appropriations bill to fund the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Trnsportation.
Busy road construction year makes work zone safety more important than ever
With St. Louis County investing $119 million to improve 420 miles of roads and bridges over the next two years, motorists should expect to see a lot of orange cones. Even more important, motorists should remember to slow down, pay attention and take extra care when traveling near or through a work zone
Land and properties valued at $1.5 million up for sale on June 11
Unprecedented land development opportunities are being offered by St. Louis County with the upcoming public sale of three large sites in Duluth’s Morgan Park and Gary-New Duluth neighborhoods, a 3.1 acre parcel on Park Point, plus more than 30 other properties throughout the County. The properties will be available for purchase via public auction on Thursday, June 11, beginning at 10 a.m. at the St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center (The Depot), 506 West Michigan Street, Duluth
Minnesota turtles now crossing roads to find a place to nest
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is reminding people that turtles crossing roads now are often moving to familiar nesting locations. Allowing turtles to cross the roads is vital to the preservation of regional populations.