Klobuchar, Franken, Peterson Announce Nearly $350,000 for Infrastructure Improvements at Willmar Municipal-John L. Rice Field Airport


WASHINGTON, D.C. — (RealEstateRama) — U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, along with Representative Collin Peterson, today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded Willmar Municipal-John L. Rice Field Airport a grant of $348,766 for infrastructure improvements.

“Infrastructure improvements boost public safety and help to create good, middle class jobs,” Klobuchar said. “These grant funds will help Willmar Municipal-John L. Rice Field Airport keep its facilities up-to-date and safe for all.”

“The Willmar Municipal-John L. Rice Field Airport is critical to Minnesotans living in Kandiyohi County and travelers to the area,” Franken said. “This infrastructure grant will help support jobs in the community and ensure that the airport remains safe.”

“As a pilot, I know just how important infrastructure improvements are for regional airports,” Peterson said. “This grant will help Willmar Municipal-John L. Rice Field Airport safely meet local transportation needs.”

This grant will allow the airport to rehabilitate its runway and fund an update to the airport master plan study.


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