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Minnesota RealEstateRama

Minnesota RealEstateRama is an Internet based Real Estate News and Press Release distributor chanel of RealEstateRama for Minnesota Real Estate publishing community.

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SolarCity To Seed Solar ‘Gardens’ To Target Renters

SolarCity aims to tap a potentially big new market: renters. The No. 1 U.S. residential solar installer announced that it will develop a series of community solar installations — that it refers to as "solar gardens" — to enable apartment dwellers, schools and others with shaded roofs in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area to purchase renewable energy without installing solar panels on their properties.

Land sale returns seven properties to tax base, raises $285,000

Seven properties that have been tax forfeited and under the care of the St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department for years are once again privately owned following today’s land auction. The sale brought in a total of $285,000 and, more importantly, returned those properties to the property tax rolls.

Rep. Ellison Statement on Housing and Transportation Appropriations

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) relaesed the following statement today after voting against the appropriations bill to fund the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Trnsportation.

Busy road construction year makes work zone safety more important than ever

With St. Louis County investing $119 million to improve 420 miles of roads and bridges over the next two years, motorists should expect to see a lot of orange cones. Even more important, motorists should remember to slow down, pay attention and take extra care when traveling near or through a work zone

Land and properties valued at $1.5 million up for sale on June 11

Unprecedented land development opportunities are being offered by St. Louis County with the upcoming public sale of three large sites in Duluth’s Morgan Park and Gary-New Duluth neighborhoods, a 3.1 acre parcel on Park Point, plus more than 30 other properties throughout the County. The properties will be available for purchase via public auction on Thursday, June 11, beginning at 10 a.m. at the St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center (The Depot), 506 West Michigan Street, Duluth

Minnesota turtles now crossing roads to find a place to nest

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is reminding people that turtles crossing roads now are often moving to familiar nesting locations. Allowing turtles to cross the roads is vital to the preservation of regional populations.

Eastbound Highway 5 between Fort Snelling, St. Paul closing overnight June 3, June 4

Motorists traveling on eastbound Highway 5 between Fort Snelling and St. Paul will encounter an overnight detour Wednesday, June 3 and Thursday, June 4.

Safety improvements to Hwy 10 and Feldspar Street in Ramsey begin Monday, June 1

The median crossover on Highway 10 at Feldspar Street in Ramsey will close to traffic at 7 a.m. Monday, June 1 as construction crews begin work on safety improvements to the intersection. The closure will allow crews to construct a new raised median island in the highway crossover to prevent motorists from making unsafe, prohibited left turns at the intersection

City of Minneapolis Launches New Homeownership Program Aimed at Increasing Number of Homeowners in...

The City of Minneapolis launched Homeownership Opportunity Minneapolis (HOM), a new housing program aimed at increasing the number of homeowners in Minneapolis and reducing the racial disparity gap in homeownership. In the City’s 2015 adopted budget, the Minneapolis City Council approved Mayor Betsy Hodges’ recommendation of $940K ($840K for affordability assistance and $100K for outreach efforts) for HOM. It is anticipated that about 125 families will be served by the program this year

Minnesota DNR and National Guard combat wildfires

With a Department of Natural Resources Air Attack operator in a helicopter pointing out the targets, two Minnesota Army National Guard Black Hawk helicopters assaulted a series of controlled grass fires this month at Camp Ripley.

Sen. Franken’s New Measure Would Coordinate Response When Unreliable Rail Service Threatens Coal Supplies...

U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) has introduced a new measure to help prevent a repeat of last winter, when coal-fired power plants were forced to shut down temporarily because unreliable rail delivery issues caused coal stockpiles to dwindle to dangerously low levels


U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) cosponsored legislation to establish a new infrastructure financing authority to help states and localities better leverage private funds to build and maintain the nation’s outdated infrastructure. The Building and Renewing Infrastructure for Development and Growth in Employment (BRIDGE) Act helps to address the nation’s alarming investment shortfall in maintaining and improving our transportation network, water and wastewater systems, and energy infrastructure.

Rep. Ellison Statement on GAO Report on CDFI FHLBank Participation

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) released the following statement today after the Government Accountability Office released a report providing a status update on new authority allowing nondepository community development financial institutions (CDFIs) to join a Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank)

Sens. Franken & Portman Introduce Bipartisan Fix to Help Homeless Students Access Affordable Housing

U.S. Sens. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) introduced a bipartisan bill to make sure that young people and veterans who have faced homelessness don't have to make the difficult choice between a place to call home and a good education.

Klobuchar, Franken Continue Push to Complete Lewis and Clark Water System

The Authorized Rural Water Projects Completion Act would establish a guaranteed annual investment of $80 million from the Bureau of Reclamation for 20 years to fund construction of six congressionally authorized rural water systems, including the Lewis and Clark project


Klobuchar, Franken, Peterson Announce Over $165,000 for Infrastructure Improvements at Windom...

U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, along with Representative Collin Peterson, today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded Windom Municipal Airport a grant of $166,160 for infrastructure improvements.


Property for Sale: Houses for sale: Property24 is South Africa's largest property search portal and is the first place to start your property search! lists houses, flats, vacant land...